We are settling into our life here. I am still catching up on my blog. So these photos are a month old now. But they show us getting into a routine and starting some new things.
This is Rangitoto Island, an old volcano off in the distance. This is the beach in our neighborhood and we sometimes go down after school pick-up. I think we will have a lot of time at this beach. The water is really shallow and you can walk for a long distance and only be up to your knees. So it will be a great summer swim for the kids!
This is just a really nice tree at the end of the beach next to the playground. The low winter sunshine just looked really nice on it that day.
Because we joined the school year mid-way, Archie's class celebrated 100 days of school. The year 2 students decorated hats with 100 items and then had a parade. Lots of creative ideas....helps me for next year when Sylvie gets to do this!
And Sylvie was able to join a soccer team with some friends of ours right away. She loved it and jumped right in. We had some mornings of shyness but mostly ran right onto the field and played. This was her first chance at playing a sport and she really enjoyed it. Most kids here are very active in sports and it is something encouraged and promoted in the schools and culture. Being active is important. And it helps us all meet friends! So I guess I am officially a soccer mom (or mum, which I refuse to say yet).
Sylvie and her buddy G!
And because I NEVER have photos of me, I dropped one in.
We did a Sunday drive across the bay to Davenport. It is a little town center that was really cute but very rainy this day. People who live there can take a people ferry into the city for an easy commute. We found a really big banyon tree.
And we found a cafe to enjoy a flat white and the kids had "Fluffies" (steamed milk). Sylvie was not impressed but Archie took it pretty seriously. He has always loved any form of milk or dairy.
And at the first school assembly since we have been here, Archie was given an award of merit! He received it for all his hard work and great progress since he started!!! It is a huge accomplishment and such a 90 degree switch from where we were in our previous school. We are more than thrilled he is doing so well and so happy. Both kids are. The school may be the best part of this move so far. It is a huge relief and change from last year.
So we went for another ice cream!
Another walk thru the reserve near our house. Lots of lovely birds singing as always.
And my new ride. It is super cute and small. Just right for my limited driving around town. It is a Suzuki Swift and about the size of the mini that came out over a decade ago (not like the bigger one now). I love it and can fit in any tiny parking space!!!