I had this great plan to make Archie and Sylvie little sheep, or lambs. I would get black tights, black long sleeved shirts, and a onsie covered in cotton batting. Well, that would have worked back in Seattle with access to many craft stores and fabric stores. Not so much here. I couldn't find black tights (odd right?). I couldn't find black t-shirts (more odd). And I have NO idea where a fabric store would exist here.
So I improvised: Gray tights, grey shirts, and the inside "cotton" of an Ikea pillow sewn to a onsie. Oh, and don't even ask about the cute hats with ears I would have made.
Below is the photo that they were supposed to look like:
Here is what Archie actually looked like (note: Sylvie didn't even make it into her costume!)
OMG this has me laughing out loud!!!